Logo LipoSaliva

The symptoms of so-called "dry eye" have now reached the level of a widespread disease. The diversity of causes makes an individual approach necessary to alleviate the discomfort.

The Lipo Nit® Eye sprays and Eye drops were specifically developed for dry eye management.

Lipo Nit® Ear spray was developed for the care and cleaning of the external auditory canal.

Exclusively available at opticians or hearing care professional shops.

Optima Pharmazeutische GmbH

Logo LipoSaliva

Eye Sprays

Lipo Nit® Eye Sprays stabilise and protect the tear film and improve moisturisation of the ocular surface and eyelids. Developed for the treatment and relief of external, environmentally induced irritation of the eye by restoring the disturbed tear film. To be used in cases of dry, burning, itching, tired, irritated, watery eyes, or foreign body sensation.


  • Without preservatives
  • Dermatologically and ophthalmologically tested, even for sensitive skin
  • Easy and hygienic application on closed eyes




Logo LipoSaliva

Eye Drops

Lipo Nit® Eye Drops with hyaluronic acid for intensive moistening of the ocular surface in cases of dry, tired, irritated, strained or burning eyes due to dry eye syndrome and environmental factors (such as medicines, pollution, computer use, air conditioning, allergy, wearing contact lenses) and after surgical procedures on the eye.


  • Without preservatives
  • Developed after the natural tear
  • Available in two hyaluronic acid concentrations: 0.1% and 0.3%


​Lipo Nit® Eye Drops with hyaluronic acid are available in three different eye dropper systems:

PUMP multidose system 10 ml


Medical device


Accurate easy dose

Intuitive handling for a precise dropping


Can be used for 6 months after opening

COMPACT multidose system 10 ml​


Medical device

Handy small squeeze bottle

Familiar handling


Can be used for 6 months after opening

MONO Unit Doses 30 x 0.4 ml


Medical device

Convenient for on the go



Can be used for up to 12 hours after opening


Logo LipoSaliva

Eyelid Care Fluid

Gentle daily care and cleansing for irritated, sensitive eyelids and the eye area.

Dermatologically and ophthalmologically tested.

Very good tolerance.

Special formulation for gentle removal of deposits, secretions, incrustations, and dandruff.

Daily eyelid hygiene is the most important measure in case of irritation and blepharitis.

Logo LipoSaliva

Eyelid Hygiene Wipes

Sterile disposable pre-moistened wipes for the eyelids. With physiological saline solution only.

Logo LipoSaliva

Warming Gel Mask

Practical soothing gel mask for warming or cooling the eyelids. Reusable and easy to clean.


Empfindliche, schuppige sowie häufig gereizte Augenlider benötigen sorgfältige Pflege und Hygiene. Lipo Nit® bietet hochqualitative Produkte für die Lidpflege an, um die Lidränder morgens und abends reinigen und pflegen zu können.

Erwärmen Sie erst Ihre Augen mit einer der Lipo Nit® Masken, um Verkrustungen und Ablagerungen zu erweichen. Massieren Sie dann die Lidränder mit sauberen Fingern, um die Augen zu entspannen und die Meibomdrüsen zu befreien. Nach der Massage reinigen Sie die Augenlider mit der Lipo Nit® Suspension, um alle Verunreinigungen zu entfernen.

Besuchen Sie die Markenseite, um mehr über die Lidpflege mit Lipo Nit zu erfahren.